Whether you need a battery for your Nokia cellphone, or a Motorola,Panasonic, Siemens,Samsung, Sony Ericsson or LG, you've found the right place for all yourbattery needs. That's because powering today's "can't live without" devices is ourbusiness. If you want; tofind the best battery selection at the best prices, Adit Infotech is the right spot. Batteries for a wide range of applications.

We stock lithium ion, NiMh, Nicd, and many other batteries for a widerange of applications like cel-phones , wireless systems, UPS, cordless phones and special application products. And when it comes to cell phones we stock batteries for virtually all Nokia, Motorola,Sony Ericsson,Siemens,LG and all other major brands -- all at the most competitive prices.Take afew; moments to look around, and keep your CELLPHONE working like new with fresh battery today!

We want you to "get a charge" out of buying from us .

A strong network of nationwide dealers ensures reach tomost potential customersin every part of the country. It is our belief thatthere is a growing need for mobile phone batteries which must give the customer a quality that will justify the price paid!!!

Tomanufacturequalitybatteries requires exacting knowledge, expertise,anda commitment to quality needed in all the segments of the battery industry. Adit Infotech has the knowledge, skill, people and desire to produce the finest quality batteries.
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